Friday, December 7, 2012

Does Your Website Seek To Impress?

An impressive website?

This is what many business owners ask for when looking to hire a web designer. But should you be looking to impress your potential customers? The truth is that most customers aren't impressed by the website but rather what the website does for them.

This article will examine and give a clear perspective on what an effective website should look like and why.

"I want my website to impress my visitors... "

This is a common answer that clients will give when asked what they want from their site.

If the site is business related then the only right answer there is that they should want their site to make money. That's the ONLY right answer. It might achieve this through different means but it's goal should be to make money and it should accomplish this by giving the visitors what they want. So the natural question to ask becomes, why do potential customers come to the site?

Do they want information?

That is one of the biggest reasons people visit websites and even more specifically they visit websites to find answers or solutions to their problems.

That right there is the main reason why the vast majority of your potential customers would come to your site and this is what your site should be designed around.

The design should primarily make it easy for people to access information. If your site doesn't do this your visitors will go somewhere else.

Next your site should appear appealing but only to the point where it doesn't impede the access to information. When it does it defeats it's purpose and as good as it will look the visitors won't be interested for long for the simple reason that it didn't answer the number one reason they came to the site, to find answers to their problems.

Do this and your closer to selling them your product or service.

Ideally the site should inform them on why they need your product or service to solve their problem. If your site can convey that, then you will make sales and money, simple as that.

So the goal of your site should not be to impress the visitors but to impress on them the benefits of your product or service in solving their problems. It needs to do this clearly, simply and above all else, convincingly.

What you should be looking for in a web designer is someone who clearly understands that.

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Threaded Tube Inserts

Threaded tube inserts serve as finishing or end plugs in tubes and provide the additional facility of fitting other threaded elements like leveling etc. Tube inserts are manufactured with different thicknesses and materials for specific needs of different industries. The shapes may also vary, ranging from round to square and rectangular to fit different pipe shapes.

Another variation in threaded tube inserts is the square or round tube insert with ribbed or stepped feet, which makes it easy for the user to adjust height. This pattern also makes the threading stronger, durable and resistant to stress, especially lateral stress. The top portion can be in the form of a lobed or hexagonal nut. Thus the height adjustment and the insert are available in a single unit.

Square shaped threaded tube inserts are also available in full-metal finish, with zinc plating. The ribbed design enables the tube insert to lock into the inside of the tube. Square inserts can also be purchased in nylon and PVC materials for resistance to corrosion, chemical reactions, better grip and non-conductivity. They're also lighter in weight but could be less hard-wearing as compared to metal. Rectangular threaded inserts are generally used to fit onto ends of rectangular tubes to give a good finish, prevent abrasion injuries and also provide safety when such tubing is used in shelving, display racks and lightweight metal furniture. Since they cover the sharp edges, they are especially useful in schools, libraries, educational institutions and public places where there may be greater movement of people. Oval shapes can also be ordered if the shape of tubing being used is oval.

Threaded inserts are also useful for assembling adjustable feet, castors, etc, and with the additional feature of metal threaded inserts, these become very useful in heavy-duty applications. Alternatively, plastic or nylon inserts can be provided for additional grip and locking. They provide an affordable solution to the problem of smoothly fitting components together and can be knocked or tapped into place to grip the inside of the tube securely while the outer portion gives the tube end a good finish with no dangerous edges.

Hemispheric threaded inserts with domed tops are another good option. They block the open tube end, with the additional feature of providing a rounded knob for a better aesthetic look. These could be in chrome, antique or brass finish.

Depending on your requirements, the function that the threaded tube insert will have to perform, your budget and aesthetic requirements, you can order them from your local hardware dealers or directly from the manufacturer, based on their on-line catalogs or brochures. Many suppliers offer discounts on shipping and bulk orders. They may also customize material, shape, thickness, gauge etc. to your specifications if the order is large enough.

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Installing a Home Theater System

Thinking about installing a home theater system? You're not alone. Home theater is one of the fastest growing areas areas in home entertainment and the advent of DVD recorders and HDTV means your set-up can now be entirely digital, without an inch of video tape in site.

Installing a home theater is a big decision and requires careful planning. Luckily there are a number of resources around to help you and you needn't be a technical expert or a hi-fi buff to get the job done.

One of the first decisions you'll need to make before you set about installing a home theater is whether your going to dedicate a whole room to the theater or whether it will share a space with a lounge, dining room, or office. Having a dedicated room allows you to position seating and speakers in the optimum position and you can seriously consider a projector and screen without it looking as out of place as it might in your living room.

Obviously budget is another consideration and this will dictate which equipment you buy initially and what you save for another day. As a bare minimum you'll want a DVD player, widescreen television, and a surround sound audio amplifier and speakers. We'd recommend opting for a DVD recorder like this one from Phillips, or this from Panasonic. They're obviously more expensive than a DVD player, but will give you much greater flexibility. And don't forget to budget for cabling, its a very important part of installing a home theatre and one that's often overlooked.

You'll also want to think about the interior design of a dedicated home theater room and of course the seating is all important. You're going to spend hours and hours watching movies and the last thing you need is uncomfortable seats.

Installing a Home Theater System   Installing a Home Theater System   

Installing a Home Theater System

Thinking about installing a home theater system? You're not alone. Home theater is one of the fastest growing areas areas in home entertainment and the advent of DVD recorders and HDTV means your set-up can now be entirely digital, without an inch of video tape in site.

Installing a home theater is a big decision and requires careful planning. Luckily there are a number of resources around to help you and you needn't be a technical expert or a hi-fi buff to get the job done.

One of the first decisions you'll need to make before you set about installing a home theater is whether your going to dedicate a whole room to the theater or whether it will share a space with a lounge, dining room, or office. Having a dedicated room allows you to position seating and speakers in the optimum position and you can seriously consider a projector and screen without it looking as out of place as it might in your living room.

Obviously budget is another consideration and this will dictate which equipment you buy initially and what you save for another day. As a bare minimum you'll want a DVD player, widescreen television, and a surround sound audio amplifier and speakers. We'd recommend opting for a DVD recorder like this one from Phillips, or this from Panasonic. They're obviously more expensive than a DVD player, but will give you much greater flexibility. And don't forget to budget for cabling, its a very important part of installing a home theatre and one that's often overlooked.

You'll also want to think about the interior design of a dedicated home theater room and of course the seating is all important. You're going to spend hours and hours watching movies and the last thing you need is uncomfortable seats.

Installing a Home Theater System   Installing a Home Theater System   

5 Top Tips To Win More With Any Lottery

Here's 5 top tips to bear in mind next time you complete your lottery playslip. They won't increase your CHANCES of winning - because ONLY more entries can do that.

BUT they can significantly increase the AMOUNT you win when your numbers do come up.


Because all 5 lottery tips are based on avoiding the way a lot of other people pick their numbers. If you pick lottery numbers the same way as most people do, then when you hit the jackpot, you share that prize with everybody else who picked the same numbers.

That can turn a jackpot pool of millions into a prize of just thousands! It happens all too often - so please don't let it happen to you.

Here's those quick tips for making sure that your lottery jackpot is the life changing sum you are looking for:

[1] Don't pick numbers that have already won, especially not from recent draws. Many players believe that winnings numbers are somehow lucky and therefore more likely to come up. Of course that isn't true, but a lot of people do it.

[2] Don't pick numbers based on an arithmetic sequences, such as 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, or 01, 11, 21, 31, 41, 49. People like number patterns - you would be stunned at how many people pick this way every single week.

[3] Don't pick numbers according to a 'tip' service. Just imagine how many other people will use the same numbers!

[4] Don't pick numbers purely according to family birthdays. Enormous numbers of lottery players choose the day of the birthday of family members when selecting lottery numbers. But there are only 31 days at most in a month - which means an awful lot of people pick all their numbers in that range.

[5] Don't make a pattern on your playslip. Diagonal or straight lines in any direction, star shapes, boxes, zig-zags etc. You might think who else would do that? The answer is anywhere from tens of people to tens of THOUSANDS of people!

The easiest, fastest way to pick better lottery numbers, is to pick them totally at random. So pull scraps of paper out of a bag. It won't guarantee NOT picking a 'bad' set of numbers, but at least there's a good chance you won't be sharing your lottery millions with a hundred other 'lucky' winners.

Are you ready for more tips on how to win more often when playing the lottery?

If so then read below for a free report that uncovers the biggest mistakes most lottery players are making, and how you can avoid them.

5 Top Tips To Win More With Any Lottery   5 Top Tips To Win More With Any Lottery   

5 Top Tips To Win More With Any Lottery

Here's 5 top tips to bear in mind next time you complete your lottery playslip. They won't increase your CHANCES of winning - because ONLY more entries can do that.

BUT they can significantly increase the AMOUNT you win when your numbers do come up.


Because all 5 lottery tips are based on avoiding the way a lot of other people pick their numbers. If you pick lottery numbers the same way as most people do, then when you hit the jackpot, you share that prize with everybody else who picked the same numbers.

That can turn a jackpot pool of millions into a prize of just thousands! It happens all too often - so please don't let it happen to you.

Here's those quick tips for making sure that your lottery jackpot is the life changing sum you are looking for:

[1] Don't pick numbers that have already won, especially not from recent draws. Many players believe that winnings numbers are somehow lucky and therefore more likely to come up. Of course that isn't true, but a lot of people do it.

[2] Don't pick numbers based on an arithmetic sequences, such as 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, or 01, 11, 21, 31, 41, 49. People like number patterns - you would be stunned at how many people pick this way every single week.

[3] Don't pick numbers according to a 'tip' service. Just imagine how many other people will use the same numbers!

[4] Don't pick numbers purely according to family birthdays. Enormous numbers of lottery players choose the day of the birthday of family members when selecting lottery numbers. But there are only 31 days at most in a month - which means an awful lot of people pick all their numbers in that range.

[5] Don't make a pattern on your playslip. Diagonal or straight lines in any direction, star shapes, boxes, zig-zags etc. You might think who else would do that? The answer is anywhere from tens of people to tens of THOUSANDS of people!

The easiest, fastest way to pick better lottery numbers, is to pick them totally at random. So pull scraps of paper out of a bag. It won't guarantee NOT picking a 'bad' set of numbers, but at least there's a good chance you won't be sharing your lottery millions with a hundred other 'lucky' winners.

Are you ready for more tips on how to win more often when playing the lottery?

If so then read below for a free report that uncovers the biggest mistakes most lottery players are making, and how you can avoid them.

5 Top Tips To Win More With Any Lottery   5 Top Tips To Win More With Any Lottery   

A Guide To Understand The Characteristics Of Limestone Floor Tiles

Limestone floor tiles have found extensive uses as a building material in UK and many other parts of the world. Tile suppliers import these from many countries like Israel, India and Turkey. Limestone is one of the softest natural stones and has many unique characteristic features. You can usually find them in colours and tones of greens, blues, greys, creams, beiges and dark browns. They are popular for use in bathrooms and kitchens. Their pale and neutral colours matched with amazingly unique textures have made them the most preferred material today. The porosity of these is low and the appearance is one-of-a-kind.

Pure form of limestone is either white or off-white in appearance. With the inclusion of impurities like sand, iron oxide, clay and other materials, different colours are seen in this natural stone. The texture variations are due to the naturally quarried stone. These textures too add to the overall appearance of the stone. This soft stone is also found in hard and dense textures. Kitchen and bathroom flooring get the needed anti-slip features from these natural textures. The porosity of limestone floor tiles can easily be reduced with the application of sealant over the surface. This sealant layer protects the surface of the floor or wall and prevents it from staining and scratching.

Limestone is popular both in modern construction as well as in the ancient architecture. Many olden European and North American landmarks used limestone extensively. The great Egyptian pyramids are perfect examples of limestone usage. They are still standing and are perfect standing examples of this stone's durability. It is no exaggeration that they stay beautiful for ages, even when exposed to the harsh natural elements. They are non-polluting and eco-friendly materials that do not cause any damage to the environment.

Natural stones increase in beauty with the passage of time. The colour and external appearance increase in their aesthetic value as time progresses. Each piece of natural stone is unique and it adds to the overall appearance of the interior. Their venation, fossilization and sometimes both together make irregular patterns on the surface of the stone. This is an impressive feature of this natural stone tile. This stone is just a step behind marble with a coarser and different texture. Both stone have calcite, but have different curing times and temperatures.

These distinguishing characteristic features make limestone floor tiles perfect for both traditional and modern bathrooms and kitchens. You can find them in different shapes and sizes from many local and online stores. You can get sample stones of different shades and venation from these stores. After trying these samples in your home, you can order the best suitable colour and design. Grout colour makes their appearance even more appealing. Check out the most popular and new shades of grout for use along with your limestone.

The Richness Of Cappuccino Marble Tiles Is Unmatched   Vanity Table With Mirror: A Great Addition for Your Teenage Girl's Room   Quick Ideas In Choosing The Best Christmas Curtains   Shabby But Chic   

Antiques - Objects That Remind People Of The Past

An old collectible item in general is considered an antique. The term antique originates from the word 'Antiquus' which means old in Latin. Because of their beauty, rarity and various other unique features, antique items are preserved or collected with utmost care. These items represent various time periods and ages that human beings or human society has gone through or witnessed. Generally, objects that are quite old are termed as antique items. The main definition of an antique is derived from the real law concerning this term which is prevalent in the US customs office. This law states that anything 100 years old is considered as an antique.

Antique is an object that is generally associated with a high level of craftsmanship. They were also designed with the utmost attention and sincerity to boost up the beauty of the object so that it would seek attention of the people in the near future. Example of popular antique items are desks of the early twentieth century or early automobiles. Unique and exclusive antiques are mostly passed down from generation to generation. Nowadays these valuable antiques are up for sale at various antique shops in various cities and can also be bought directly from antique dealers or auctioned services that function via internet.

The antique pieces that are up for sale can be of very high price because of their rarity, but it does not matter much to the collectors because such people are very passionate about these items. However, the area of interest is different for different collectors. Some of them even focus on specific antique period while others may choose specific items no matter which period or age they are of like art, furniture or may be jewelry. Collectors visit various antique fairs, antique shops and also antique auctions in search of these collectibles. Most of the antique items are of great value, but those with specific connection to a noteworthy person or an important moment in history are of great worth.

Technically an antique can be over 100 years old, but collectors mainly tend to focus on certain areas according to their desirability and value. The cost of an antique item completely depends upon its design, quality and condition as per the collectors market. The items that can be termed as antiques depending upon the nature of the article are as follows:

Furniture Art Porcelain Figurines Jewelry Watches Clocks

The most expensive antique furniture that was ever sold in an auction is a fourteen feet high ebony and gilt bronze Badminton Cabinet. It was custom-made for Henry Somerset, the third Duke of Beauport in 1726. It is said to be the finest Florentine art work of the time. It was sold for a record price of 19,045,250 pounds to Hans Adam II who was the prince of Liechtenstein. Pinner Qing Dynasty Vase was the most costly antique vase ever sold. It was sold at a whooping amount of 53.1 million pounds on 11th November, 2010.

The Richness Of Cappuccino Marble Tiles Is Unmatched   Vanity Table With Mirror: A Great Addition for Your Teenage Girl's Room   Quick Ideas In Choosing The Best Christmas Curtains   Shabby But Chic   

Tabletop Water Fountains for the Home

When many people think of water fountains for the home, they picture large ones that either mount on the wall or take up a considerable amount of floor space. If this sounds like you, then you might be saying that you just don't have room for one in your home. Well, if you would like to reap all of the benefits that these pieces of art have to offer then you will be thrilled to learn that there is a huge selection of tabletop varieties available that can be added to any home, even a small studio apartment.

Although wall hanging fountains make a huge impact on any space they occupy, a small water feature has a lot to offer as well. Plus, since they do not require any mounting, even renters can add them to their home. Surely, if you look around, you likely have an end table, nightstand, shelving, kitchen counter, bar or desk that is just crying for a little artistic attention. In fact, you can add one to every room of you choose! You really can't have too many of them!

Why Add Tabletop Fountains to Your Space?

If you can welcome large floor or wall hanging fountains into your space, then by all means, do so! Otherwise, choose tabletop water fountains for the home. Aside from being fantastic pieces of art, they also offer some really great benefits.

Calming - Did you know that the main reason fountains are manufactured is to help create a soothing environment. You can't really appreciate this until you have one in your home. The first time you come home after a long hard day and suddenly feel your stress drift away, you will understand what all the fuss is about. Moisture - Do you suffer from dry skin, nails and lips? Is your hair dull and lifeless? Perhaps you don't even like to brush your hair because the static is so out of control. These are all signs of a dry environment. Water fountains for the home add a constant flow of moisture to help combat this dryness, yet they don't soak the air like humidifiers tend to do. Air Purifier - As water flows, it creates negative ions. These negative ions actually clean the air because dust particles are attracted to them. There, now you have eliminated the need for an air purifier and a humidifier with a simple and beautiful piece of art. The Richness Of Cappuccino Marble Tiles Is Unmatched   Vanity Table With Mirror: A Great Addition for Your Teenage Girl's Room   Quick Ideas In Choosing The Best Christmas Curtains   Shabby But Chic   

Attendee Relationship Management Is Imperative For Making Your Training Programs Successful

Often training organizers concentrate entirely on implementing strategies and techniques for increasing the number of new and fresh attendees for their training sessions, ignoring the significance of creating a healthy and strong relation with their past registrants and trainees. Thus, their marketing approaches are only meant to promote the training courses or programs, targeting the new registrants. The key point, which most organizers fail to understand, is that the success of a training program or session not just merely depends on the capability to grab increased attendees but also on maintaining a great attendee relationship management process with the past and the existing trainees.

Retaining healthy relation with both past and existing trainees will benefit the organizers in numerous ways. Some of these are mentioned below:

· The word of mouth:

Within the marketing and promotion activities, nothing is as better as spreading the positive word of mouth. This is a very effective and consistent medium of advertising your training programs. The satisfied and happy trainees will spread good words about your training classes and might recommend other prospective students to register. Thus, it becomes extremely essential to maintain good rapport with the past as well as the current trainees.

· Anticipate increased attendees to your program:

Promoting your training program might require both planning and coordination and if you are not going to take effective measures, you may fail to generate desired attendees to your program. Attendee relationship management with both the past and the present trainees will make it much easier for you to market your class to interested trainees through their networks.

· Build up reliability for your training organization:

Being a training organizer, your vital responsibility should be to create reliability for your institute. A great way to make sure that the attendees are viewing your training classes as reputed and trustworthy is by offering value to them. A reputed and credible training organization will always draw more attendees and support than an undependable institute.

For maintaining an enhanced relationship with your prospects and past attendees at all times, you can also use the cloud-based training management solution, which will help you in boosting up the attendee relationship management. Some advantages of the solutions are:

· Flawless data integration, allowing training organizers to know their attendees closely.

· Secured payment management solution for making transactions easier so that attendees can sig-up for your upcoming program, instantly

· Customized reports for assessing the effectiveness of the program and generating feedback from the trainees.

With the increasing realization of the importance of attendee relationship management among the training organizers, it is expected that focusing on this aspect will enhance their brand value and will help them in promoting their training sessions, more effectively.

Unlocking the Power of Social Media in Classrooms   Attendee Relationship Management Is Imperative For Making Your Training Programs Successful   

Unlocking the Power of Social Media in Classrooms

Today, students and teachers both are adept at using social media to meet their interests and needs as far as learning is concerned. Students use Facebook, Twitter, etc. to chat with friends, share valuable information, interesting news, and photos in groups and social circles, while teachers use it for a number of other reasons - to connect with scholars and find better learning opportunities, share a great learning video clip or website, and join education related groups of interests.

There is an urgent need to introduce social media in classrooms. If you are opposed to this concept then it won't be too far in the future when you find yourself lagging behind. In reality, social networking sites lead to silent learning. I have seen many instructors exploiting Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to enhance classroom discussions. Students are encouraged to write their views and comments on a specific post and in the process carry on with interesting conversations.

With Twitter and other micro-blogging platforms, from elementary schools to universities, teachers are setting up what is known as "backchannel" in their classrooms. The real-time digital streams allow students to comment, ask questions (answered by classmates or the teacher) and voice their opinions in writing. According to many students, it is much better to express what he/she thinks in writing than talking about in an open classroom set-up.

Teachers are finding in social media the hidden potential to engage the iGeneration. Let's figure out in what ways can that be accomplished.

· Teaches can post a question or take a live poll on social media sites to know the preferences of their students. Instructors can also engage in online discussions to explain a lesson to the learners; you can share colorful info-graphics or slide presentations to make a traditional class highly interactive.

· You can create blogs to post informative articles and such similar documents and video clips for the students to view and comment. You can also encourage learners to create their own blog where they can post their completed coursework and projects for the one or more teachers to review and assign grades.

· Through networking online, students gain confidence from conversing with other like-minded peers. This medium proves specifically helpful to people who feel awkward to speak in front of a crowd and prefer expressing themselves through writing.

· Students can also join online communities to share their innovative suggestions and sort out critical learning problems. Social media communities help in enhancing coordination amongst students to learn and finish project work jointly.

· Social networking websites help students become better communicators, enabling them to understand issues and problems they are not familiar with. They can come up with new views and ideas that may improve their learning styles and approach to deal with new situations.

Unlocking the Power of Social Media in Classrooms   Attendee Relationship Management Is Imperative For Making Your Training Programs Successful   

Attendee Relationship Management Is Imperative For Making Your Training Programs Successful

Often training organizers concentrate entirely on implementing strategies and techniques for increasing the number of new and fresh attendees for their training sessions, ignoring the significance of creating a healthy and strong relation with their past registrants and trainees. Thus, their marketing approaches are only meant to promote the training courses or programs, targeting the new registrants. The key point, which most organizers fail to understand, is that the success of a training program or session not just merely depends on the capability to grab increased attendees but also on maintaining a great attendee relationship management process with the past and the existing trainees.

Retaining healthy relation with both past and existing trainees will benefit the organizers in numerous ways. Some of these are mentioned below:

· The word of mouth:

Within the marketing and promotion activities, nothing is as better as spreading the positive word of mouth. This is a very effective and consistent medium of advertising your training programs. The satisfied and happy trainees will spread good words about your training classes and might recommend other prospective students to register. Thus, it becomes extremely essential to maintain good rapport with the past as well as the current trainees.

· Anticipate increased attendees to your program:

Promoting your training program might require both planning and coordination and if you are not going to take effective measures, you may fail to generate desired attendees to your program. Attendee relationship management with both the past and the present trainees will make it much easier for you to market your class to interested trainees through their networks.

· Build up reliability for your training organization:

Being a training organizer, your vital responsibility should be to create reliability for your institute. A great way to make sure that the attendees are viewing your training classes as reputed and trustworthy is by offering value to them. A reputed and credible training organization will always draw more attendees and support than an undependable institute.

For maintaining an enhanced relationship with your prospects and past attendees at all times, you can also use the cloud-based training management solution, which will help you in boosting up the attendee relationship management. Some advantages of the solutions are:

· Flawless data integration, allowing training organizers to know their attendees closely.

· Secured payment management solution for making transactions easier so that attendees can sig-up for your upcoming program, instantly

· Customized reports for assessing the effectiveness of the program and generating feedback from the trainees.

With the increasing realization of the importance of attendee relationship management among the training organizers, it is expected that focusing on this aspect will enhance their brand value and will help them in promoting their training sessions, more effectively.

Unlocking the Power of Social Media in Classrooms   Attendee Relationship Management Is Imperative For Making Your Training Programs Successful   

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